
The Lexical Constructional Model

An assessment of the LCM and an exploration of its origins can be found in:

Butler, C. S. 2009. The Lexical Constructional Model: Genesis, strengths and challenges. In Deconstructing Constructions. Butler, Christopher S. & Javier Martín Arista (eds.), 117–152. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. PDF.

For another brief assessment of the LCM, read the following book review:

Foundational papers


Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Ruiz de Mendoza, Francisco José “Levels of description and explanation in meaning construction”.In Ch. Butler & J. Martín Arista (eds.) Deconstructing Constructions. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins, p. 153 – 198. PDF


Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José and Ricardo Mairal Usón. 2008. ‘Levels of description and constraining factors in meaning construction: an introduction to the Lexical Constructional Model’. Folia Linguistica 42/2 (2008), p. 355–400. PDF

Other papers


Negro Alousque, Isabel. Wh- interrogative inferential constructions in the Lexical-Constructional Model. Verba 40, 139-156. PDF.


Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José. 2013. "Meaning construction, meaning interpretation and formal expression in the Lexical Constructional Model." In Nolan, Brian and Elke Diedrichsen. To appear. Linking constructions into functional linguistics. Studies in language Companion Series. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. PDF [NEW]


Negro Alousque, Isabel. The inchoative, middle and subject-instrument constructions in the Lexical-Constructional Model. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada 10, 171-186 PDF.


Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José and Ricardo Mairal Usón. 2011. “Constraints on syntactic alternation: lexical-constructional subsumption in the Lexical Constructional Model”. En P. Guerrero (ed.) Morphosyntactic Alternations in English: Functional and Cognitive Perspectives. Equinox Publishing Books.


Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Ruiz de Mendoza, Francisco José 2008 “New challenges for lexical representation within the Lexical-Constructional Model (LCM)” Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses. Vol. 57. p. 137-158 (2008) Universidad de La Laguna.


Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Ruiz de Mendoza, Francisco José, 2008. ‘Internal and external constraints in meaning construction: the lexicon grammar continuum’. In Gibert Maceda, Teresa & Laura Alba-Juez (Eds.) (2008).  Estudios de Filología Inglesa: Homenaje a la Dra. Asunción Alba Pelayo.  Colección Varia. Madrid: UNED, p. 219-237.


Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José and Ricardo Mairal Usón 2008. “Challenging systems of lexical representation”. Journal of English Studies 5-6 (2005-2008). Special Issue: A Tribute to Professor Carmelo Cunchillos, p. 325-356.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Mairal, R. 2007b. Levels of semantic representation: where lexicon and grammar meet. Interlingüística 17.


Ontological Semantics and Constructions

Negro Alousque, Isabel (in press). Implicational constructions in English. English Studies. A Journal of English Language and Literature. PDF


Negro Alousque, Isabel. A Lexical-Constructional analysis of Spanish and French middle structures. De la Unidad del Lenguaje a la Diversidad de Lenguas. Actas del 10º. Congreso Internacional de Lingüística General. Universidad de Zaragoza, 633-640 PDF


Butler, Christopher S. 2013. "An ontological approach to the representational lexicon in Functional Discourse Grammar". Language Sciences 34(5): 619-634.


Negro Alousque, Isabel. Meaning construction in a lexico-conceptual knowledge base. Onomázein 24, 35-59. PDF


Mairal-Usón, Ricardo, Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Pérez Cabello de Alba, María Beatriz. 2011. “Hacia una semántica ontológica en la Gramática del Papel y la Referencia”. In R. Mairal Usón, L. Guerrero and C. González (eds.) El funcionalismo en la teoría lingüística. La Gramática del Papel y la Referencia. Introducción, avances y aplicaciones. Akal: Madrid.


Mairal-Usón, Ricardo, Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, Francisco José and Periñán-Pascual, Carlos. 2011. “Constructions within a Natural Language Processing Knowledge Base” In H. Boas and F. Gonzálvez-García (eds.) Construction Grammar goes Romance (provisional title). Amsterdam /Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Pérez Hernández, L. & F. J. Ruiz de Mendoza. 2011. “A Lexical-Constructional Model account of illocution”.Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics 8 (2011): 99-138.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Gonzálvez, R. 2010. llocutionary meaning revisited: Subjective-Transitive constructions in the Lexical-Constructional Model. In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.) Cognitive and Phenomenological Turns in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (Łódź Studies in Language), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag; vol. in prep.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & F. Gonzálvez García. 2011. “Constructional integration in the Lexical-Constructional Model”. BAS (British and American Studies) XVII (2011): 75-95.


Jiménez Briones, R. and M. B. Pérez Cabello de Alba 2010. “An account of selection restrictions within a conceptual framework: Its relevance for Role and Reference Grammar”. Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Role and Reference Grammar. University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. (


Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Francisco Gonzálvez-García, 2010. “Verbos y construcciones en el espacio cognitivo-funcional del siglo XXI”. In Val Álvaro, José Francisco & María del Carmen Horno Chéliz (in press): /La Gramática del Sentido: Léxico y Sintaxis en la Encrucijada. /Conocimiento, Lenguaje y Comunicación / Knowledge, Language and Communication, 3, Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Gonzálvez, R. 2010. llocutionary meaning revisited: Subjective-Transitive constructions in the Lexical-Constructional Model. In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.) Cognitive and Phenomenological Turns in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (Łódź Studies in Language), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag; vol. in prep.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Luzondo, A. 2010. Lexical-constructional subsumption in resultative constructions in English. In M. Brdar, M. Zic, I. Raffaelli, M.-M. Stanojevic, N. Tudjman Vukovic (eds.) Cognitive Linguistics. Between Universality and Variation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing; vol. in prep.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Mairal, R. 2010. Constraints on syntactic alternation: lexical-constructional subsumption in the Lexical-Constructional Model. In P. Guerrero (ed.) Morphosyntactic Alternations in English. Functional and Cognitive Perspectives. London, UK/ Oakville, CT: Equinox; 62-82.


Neagu Mariana. 2010. On Meanings of 'Construction'. Past and Recent Approaches. In 'Communication interculturelle et litterature', no. 1(9)/2010, Galati: Europlus, pp 354-360.


Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Carlos Periñán-Pascual, 2009. “Role and Reference Grammar and Ontological Engineering”. Volumen Homenaje a Enrique Alcaraz. Universidad de Alicante.


Peña Cervel, Sandra 2009. “Constraints on subsumption in the caused-motion construction.” Language Sciences 31 (2009) 740–765.


Pérez Hernández, L. and Peña Cervel, S. 2009 «Pragmatic and Cognitive Constraints on Lexical-Constructional Subsumption.” ATLANTIS 31.2 : 57-73


Pérez Hernández, L. 2009 «Análisis léxico-construccional de verbos de habla.” Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación 40: 62-93


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Baicchi, A. 2007. Illocutionary Constructions: Cognitive motivation and linguistic realization. In I. Kecskes & L. Horn (eds.) Explorations in Pragmatics:  Linguistic, Cognitive, and Intercultural Aspects. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 95-128.


Knowledge Engineering: FunGramKB


Periñán-Pascual, J.C. and R. Mairal Usón. (2011) “The COHERENT Methodology in FunGramKB. Onomazein.


Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Carlos Periñán-Pascual, 2010. “Teoría lingüística y representación del conocimiento: una discusión preliminar.” In Dolores García Padrón & Maria del Carmen Fumero Pérez (eds.) Tendencias en lingüística general y aplicada. Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 155-168.


Periñán-Pascual, Carlos. and Francisco Arcas-Túnez 2010. “Ontological Commitments in FungramKB”. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 44, pp. 27-34.


Periñán-Pascual, Carlos. and Francisco Arcas-Túnez 2010. “The architecture of FunGramKB” 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 mayo 2010, Valeta (Malta). Proceedingso of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, European Language Resources Association (ELRA), pp.2667-2674 (ISBN: 2-9517408-6-7).Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Ricardo Mairal Usón. 2010. “Enhancing UniArab with FunGramKB”. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 44, pp. 19-26. PDF


Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Ricardo Mairal Usón. 2010 “La Gramática de COREL: un lenguaje de representación conceptual”. Onomazein. 21 (2010/1), p. 11-45. PDF


Mairal Usón, Ricardo and Carlos Periñán-Pascual,. “The anatomy of the lexicon component within the framework of a conceptual knowledge base” .Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada 22 (2009), 217-244. PDF


Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Ricardo Mairal Usón 2009. “Bringing Role and Reference Grammar to natural language understanding” .Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 43, pp. 265-273. PDF


Applications: Terminology management and translation


Faber, P., R. Mairal y P. Magaña (2011) “Linking a Domain-SpecificOntologyto a General Ontology”. Proceedings of the 24th International Flairs (Florida ArtificalIntelligenceResearchSociety) Conference. AAAI Press (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence).


Mairal-Usón, Ricardo, Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Samaniego Fernández, Eva (2011). "Using ontologies for terminological knowledge representation: a preliminary discussion". Technological innovation in the teaching and processing of LSPs:
 Proceedings of TISLID'10(eds. N. Talaván, E. Martín Monje y F. Palazón). UNED: Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-362-6217-9. PDF


Periñán-Pascual, Carlos and Mairal-Usón, Ricardo. 2011. “La dimensión computacional de la Gramática del Papel y la Referencia: la estructura lógica conceptual y su aplicación en el procesamiento del lenguaje natural”. In R. Mairal Usón, L. Guerrero and C. González (eds.) El funcionalismo en la teoría lingüística. La Gramática del Papel y la Referencia. Introducción, avances y aplicaciones. Akal: Madrid.


Felices Lago, Ángel (2010) “Teaching and research in Business English: a descriptive approach to the Spanish context”, Professional English in the European Context: The EHEA Challenge. Ángeles Linde López & Rosalía Crespo Jiménez (eds.). Linguistic Insights, vol. 109. (Studies in Language and Communication). Berna: Peter Lang, pp. 81-102.


Felices Lago, Ángel (2010) “Axiological Analysis of Entries in a Spanish Law Dictionary and their English Equivalents”, Researching Language and the Law: Textual Features and Translation Issues. Davide Simone Giannoni & Celina Frade (eds.). Linguistic Insights, vol. 121. (Studies in Language and Communication). Berna: Peter Lang, pp. 179-198


Hewitt, Elaine & Felices Lago, Ángel (2010) “Academic style and format of doctoral theses: The case of the disappearing discussion chapter”, Ibérica. Journal of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes. Vol. 19 (Spring 2010), pp. 119-140.


Samaniego Fernández, E. 2010. “The impact of Cognitive Linguistics on Descriptive Translation Studies: novel metaphors in English-Spanish newspaper translation as a case in point”. En Iraide, I. and A. Rojo (eds.), Cognitive Linguistics and Translation:Advances in some Theoretical Models and Application. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.


Samaniego Fernández, E. y M. B.Pérez Cabello de Alba 2010. “What Cognitive Linguistics has contributed to Translation Studies”. Actas del IX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística General.


Felices Lago, Ángel; Cortés de los Ríos, Mª Enriqueta (2009): “A cognitive-axiological approach to print eco-advertisements in The Economist: the energy sector under scrutiny”, Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 4/2009, pp. 59-78.


Felices Lago, Ángel (2008): “Human qualities and faults in terminological contexts: axiological sample analysis in a marketing dictionary”, Researching and teaching specialized languages: New contexts, new challenges. (Proceedings of the VII AELFE Conference, Murcia, september 2008). Sánchez Hernández, P., Pérez-Paredes, P., Aguado Jiménez, P. and Criado Sánchez, R. (Eds.). Murcia: Editum, pp. 261-72.


Felices Lago, Ángel (2008): “Las cualidades demandadas al solicitante de empleo en español frente al inglés: análisis semántico-axiológico de las ofertas de trabajo en la prensa española”, Lingue, culture, economia. Comunicazione e pratiche discorsive. Maria Vittoria Calvi, Giovanna Mapelli, Javier Santos López (eds.). Milán: Franco Angeli, pp. 95-110.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. 2008. Cross-linguistic analysis, second language teaching and cognitive semantics: the case of Spanish diminutives and reflexive constructions. In S. De Knop & T. De Rycker (eds.). Cognitive Approaches to Pedagogical Grammar - Volume in Honor of René Dirven.Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 121–152.


Felices Lago, Ángel (2006) “La codificación del parámetro axiológico en la terminología financiera y de inversión: el español y el portugués frente a la influencia del inglés”, Nuevas tendencias en el discurso de especialidad. Maria Vittoria Calvi y Luisa Chierichetti (eds.). Linguistic Insights, vol. 50. (Studies in Language and Communication). Berna: Peter Lang, pp. 203-222.


Felices Lago, Ángel y Hewitt, Elaine (2004). "Personal Qualities of Applicants in Job Advertisements: Axiological and Lexical Analysis of Samples in English from the Spanish Press", LSP and Professional Communication, Vol. 4, n. 2, October 2004, pp. 8-27.


Cognitive modeling


Panther, K.U. & L. Thornburg. 2012. In: Mario Brdar, Milena Žic Fuchs, and Ida Raffaelli (eds.), Cognitive Linguistics Between Universality and Variation. Newcastle, UK:Cambridge Scholars. Forthcoming. PDF


Baicchi, A. & F. J. Ruiz de Mendoza. 2011. “The cognitive grounding of illocutionary constructions within the theoretical perspective of the Lexical-Constructional Model”. Textus. English Studies in Italy (2011/1); en prensa.


Benczes, R., A. Barcelona Sánchez & F. J. Ruiz De Mendoza. (Eds.) 2011. Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a Consensus View. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Bertucelli, M. & F. J. Ruiz de Mendoza (eds.). 2011. “Introduction”. Cognition and the Brain in Language and Linguistics. Número especial de la revista Textus. English Studies in Italy (2011/1); en prensa.


Jiménez Briones, R. & A. Luzondo Oyón (2011). "Building ontological meaning in a lexico-conceptual knowledge base". Onomázein 23, 11-40.


Panther, Klaus. 2011. "Motivation in Language". En S. Kreitler (ed.) Cognition and Motivation: Forging an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. En preparación. PDF.


Panther, Klaus-Uwe & Günter Radden (eds.). 2011. Motivation in Grammar and the Lexicon (Human Cognitive Processing 27). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins.


Panther, Klaus-Uwe & Günter Radden. 2011. “Introduction: Reflections on motivation revisited”. In: K.-U.Panther & G. Radden (eds.), Motivation in Grammar and the Lexicon (Human Cognitive Processing 27), 1–26. Amsterdam & Philadelphia.


Panther, Klaus-Uwe & Linda L. Thornburg. 2011. “EMOTION and DESIRE in independent complement clauses: A case study from German”. In: Mario Brdar, Milena Zµic Fuchs & Stefan T. Gries (eds.), Converging and Diverging Tendencies in Cognitive Linguistics (Human Cognitive Processing 33), 87–114. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins.


Pérez Hernández, L. 2011. "Cognitive tools for successful branding." Applied Linguistics, 32(4):369-388.



Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. (2011). "Metonymy and cognitive operations". In: Benczes, R., Barcelona, A. & Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. (eds.), Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics. Towards a consensus view. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 103-123.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & L. Pérez Hernández. 2011. “The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor: myths, developments and challenges”. Metaphor & Symbol 26: 1-25.


Baicchi, Annalisa (in press), “Metaphoric motivation in grammatical structure. The case of the caused-motion construction from the perspective of the Lexical-Constructional Model. In Guenter Radden, Klaus Uwe Panther, Peter Koch, Motivation in Lexicon, Grammar, and Discourse. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, John Benjamins


Galera Masegosa, Alicia. "A cognitive approach to simile-based idiomatic expressions". CLAC (Circulo de Lingüistica Aplicada a la Comunicación).


Köpcke, Klaus-Michael, Klaus-Uwe Panther & David Zubin. 2010. “Motivating grammatical and conceptual gender agreement in German”. In: H.-J. Schmid & S. Handl (eds.), Cognitive Foundations of Linguistic Usage Patterns (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics 13), 171–194. Berlin & New York: De Gruyter Mouton.


Radden, Günter & Klaus-Uwe Panther. 2010. “Metonymy”. In: P. Colm Hogan (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 501-502.


Baicchi, Annalisa (2009), “Idealized Cognitive Models at the interface between lexis and grammar”. In Ignasi Navarri I Ferrando & Antonio José Silvestre Lopez (eds.). Language Systems and Cognitive Perspective. Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, pp. 187-208.


Baicchi, Annalisa 2009. “The subsumption process of the intransitive-transitive migration”. In Domenico Torretta, Marina Dossena, Annamaria Sportelli, Forms of Migration, Migration of Forms, Bari, Progedit. pp.: 21- 41.


Baicchi, Annalisa 2009. “Some observations on the typological constraints to translation praxis”. In G.Palumbo, I vincoli del tradurre. Modena. pp.: 19-30.


Baicchi, Annalisa 2009. “Speech Act Theory”. In Siobhan Chapman & Christopher Routledge (eds), Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, pp.: 212-219.


Baicchi, Annalisa 2008. “Quantitative Valency Addition within the Lexical-Constructional Model”. In M.Constant, T.Nakamura, M.De Gioia, S.Vecchiato (eds.). Actes du 27 ème Colloque International sur le Lexique et la Grammaire. Université Paris-Est. pp. 257-265.


Baicchi, Annalisa 2008. “Constructing Meaning through Grammar. Observations on Constructional Complexity”, in Marcella Bertuccelli Papi et al. Studi di Linguistica e Letteratura. Festschrift in honor of Lavinia Merlini Barbaresi. Pisa: Felici, pp.: 447-463.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Peña, S. 2008. Gramatical metonymy within the ‘action’ frame in English and Spanish. In M. A. Gómez, J. L. Mackenzie & E. M. González-Álvarez (eds.) Current Trends in Contrastive Linguistics: Functional and Cognitive Perspectives. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins; 251-280.


Baicchi, Annalisa 2007. “Aspects of Meaning Constructions”. Invited review article of G.Radden et al.. In Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 5. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, John Benjamins. pp.: 307-323.


Baicchi, Annalisa 2007, “Pragmatica e Semantica”, con Marcella Bertuccelli Papi. In Giovanni Iamartino (ed.) La linguistica inglese negli ultimi dieci anni SILTA. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata. Roma, pp. 91-123


Baicchi, Annalisa 2007, “On the linguistic representation of space: a contrastive analysis of path conformation”. In Iottini L., Del Lungo G., Douthwaite J., Cityscapes. Islands of the Self. Language. Language Studies, volume 2, Cagliari, Cluec: pp.: 83-101.


Baicchi, Annalisa 2007, “Illocutionary constructions. Cognitive motivation and linguistic realization”, with Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza. In: Kecskes, Istvan & Laurence Horn (eds.) Explorations in Pragmatics: Linguistic, Cognitive, and Intercultural Aspects; Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter: pp. 95-128


Baicchi, Annalisa 2007, “Conceptual Integration and Translation”. In Marcella Bertuccelli Papi et al. (eds.), Lexical complexity: theoretical assessment and translational perspectives, Pisa: PLUS, pp: 85-98.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. 2007. High level cognitive models: in search of a unified framework for inferential and grammatical behavior”. In Kosecki, K. (ed.) Perspectives on Metonymy. Frankfurt/Main. Peter Lang; 11-30.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Mairal, R. 2007a. High-level metaphor and metonymy in meaning construction. In G. Radden, K.-M. Köpcke, T. Berg & P. Siemund (eds.) Aspects of Meaning Construction. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins; 33-51.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. and Peña, S. 2005. Conceptual interaction, cognitive operations and projection spaces. In Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. J. and Peña Cervel, S. (eds.)Cognitive Linguistics: Internal Dynamics and Interdisciplinary Interaction, 254-280.. Berlin: Mouton.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Santibáñez F. 2003. Content and formal cognitive operations in construing meaning. Italian Journal of Linguistics 15(2): 293-320.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Díez, O. 2002. "Patterns of conceptual interaction". In Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast, René Dirven and Ralph Pörings (eds.), 489-532. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. & Pérez, L. 2001. "Metonymy and the grammar: motivation, constraints and interaction", Language & Communication, vol. 21-4: 321-357.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. 2000. The role of mappings and domains in understanding metonymy. In A. Barcelona (ed.). Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 109-132.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. 1998. On the nature of blending as a cognitive phenomenon. Journal of Pragmatics 30 (3): 259-274.


Ruiz de Mendoza, F. J. 1997. Metaphor, metonymy and conceptual interaction. ATLANTIS. Revista de la Asoaciación Española de Estudios Anglonorteamericanos 19/1: 281-295.